Monday, June 30, 2014

Hi & how are ya?

Saturday was my 53rd birthday & it's prompted me to start a blog documenting my final year.  Now, I know that's dramatic & sets me up to look pretty silly if I'm around for, say, 2016's BATMAN V SUPERMAN (or the next X-MEN--I'm not picky).  Alternately, it'd be embarrassing if I fall or something & am outta here before Labor Day (tho' it'd likely be tragic enough that most wouldn't bring it up). ain't set in stone or nuthin', just a feeling.

Today, a recap.  It's not often I discuss my health, so much of this may be new material.

At 35, I noticed problems holding a pencil.  My dream of drawing comics had been attained--Marvel, DC, Comico, et al--& I was in the next phase: STAYING in comics. A joke for the funnybook folks.  It wasn't the strain or overuse I'd hoped & it didn't get better.  Before the end of '97, we had a diagnosis of ALS, aka Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease, aka a pretty evil sumbitch of a terminal disease.

Now, it's hard to complain TOO much--believe me, I've tried--when EVERYONE else with ALS has been treated so much more cruelly by it.  Life expectancy is 1-5 years, I'm at 17+.  Speech & mobility tend to go quickly, I'm still talking & walking without assistance.  Not WELL, mind you...I sound drunk as Cooter Brown & move even worse.  Had to give up driving (coming on 2 years back), need help dressing, & have to be very focused when eating.  Machines have started popping up around the house this past year: a fridge I can OPEN, a breathing machine, a tooth machine, & a new stairlift (boycott Acorn!--a future story).  So far, the chair's seldom-used, mainly when I'm tired(er) or need a book brought up/down.

So, I've been very blessed in many ways, fortunate beyond good reason.  I've got a wife, friend & partner I could never deserve...a comfortable home with room for, who knows--50 thousand?--comic books...great & loving friends/family (same thing to me)...fantastic memories of creating comics...pretty good insurance (!)...& more time to enjoy it all than is normally allowed in such circumstances. My neurologist told me last month that I'm the top ALS patient in the country, #1! NO one I've ever met with the disease is still around! Who could whine & gripe that it ain't enough, right?! mean I'm NEVER gonna get to draw Spider-Man again?



  1. Hi Craig I never got a chance to see Frank before he passed and I don't intend for that to be the case with you, money is tight right now but when my new projects kick in I should be able to visit you. Hang in there Bud.

    Bill M.

  2. Don't have the comic in front of me but it's from Marvel's WHAT IF..? ('95-ish?) and that's inks by the amazing Bob Almond over my pencils.

    Bill! Been too long, man!

  3. I feel like Emily, you are amazing!!!!
